There are times to conform and there are times to stand out. This is applicable to many aspects of your life. Conformity has been a central theme in the evolution of human beings. Conformity is safekeeping; it provides signals of belonging in a group, ensuring that individuals are adhering to a collective identity or moral standards. Conformity is secure.
Non-conformity is a statement. Sometimes a loud one, other times, it can be subtle. A statement to yourself, even. With clothing, you can choose to conform or break out and express your individuality. That’s the beauty of these incredible tools you have at your disposal every single day.
This was the topic of a recent conversation I had over lunch with a Washington University professor. He shared that he has intentionally paired down his professional (teaching) closet choices to consist of six shirts and four pants with the appropriate accouterments and accessories, minimal to no surprise. He intentionally chooses to reduce decisions in his clothing choices (among many other areas of his life) and create an autopilot mechanism of how he is sure to always show up as his authentic self.
That’s his choice in dressing. Yours doesn’t have to look like this. Or maybe it could. You make choices in your dressing decisions that surely have attributes that, at times, conform to your setting (work, social, relaxation, travel), cultural or religious affiliations, gender, and mood while simultaneously articulating your authentic self.
When I work with a new client I typically wear all black in their closet. Why? Because I want to blend into the surroundings, make my clothing choice minimal in order to focus my expertise and attention on them. When I go to dinner or parties, I change it up. Sometimes I’m feeling sporty-chic, other times I wear bright-colored feather dresses, or often I’m happily rocking jeans and classic button-ups. It changes constantly but always feels authentic to me.
Put another way: your behaviors, energy, and language choices change when you’re with a client, a colleague, or when you’re out to dinner with a friend, spending time with family, or even when you’re alone with yourself. You’re constantly wearing one hat and then changing into another throughout multiple points in your day. This shows how multidimensional you are as a person, just from a lifestyle and relational perspective.
Your clothing choices and personal style can also be multidimensional. The point is: you get to choose. And they don’t look like anyone else’s.
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Elevate Your Transitional Jackets for Spring
Asked & Answered
‘Tis the time for that sort of warm, sort of breathable jacket to make way to the front of your coat closet. Because the weather can’t seem to decide whether to be warm, cold, rainy, sunny, snowy or somehow all of these in one day. A quick fix to transitional dressing - incorporate your jacket as part of your outfit in case you decide to keep it on.
Here are four go-to staple jackets and how to remix them during this transitional month.
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Have you been spring cleaning? If not, the time is now. Make room and space. Get rid of the noise.
Don’t show up wrinkled: A lot of dormant clothing is starting to see sunlight lately. Be sure to give your shirt a spritz before your rush out the door. Nobody feels good when the creases are still around.
Tidy up your closet: Put things in their places and keep your personal space organized with these highly functional tools.